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Treatment and ethics review |
Treatment and ethics review
Reiki first Degree works on a physical level - you usually need to touch the recipient to connect
them with Reiki. What can be treated? Reiki can aid in the healing of just about every known illness
and injury. It can also help to break unwanted habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc. People
have also used Reiki to assist creativity and meditation to help wake up or to get to sleep.
1. Ideally the practitioner should be in the right frame of mind, relaxed and calm.. This is to
promote the flow of Reiki unfiltered by the practitioners own energy. I find that the correct mental
state will assert itself when needed.
2. The treatment should be conducted in a relaxing place where both the practitioner and
recipient feel comfortable. It is nice if there are no distractions like phones ringing, callers or
television or radio, but you can do Reiki any place at any time.
3. Playing soothing music such as classical music or new age music or environmental sounds such as
rain forests and other natural sounds can aid relaxation of the person being treated , especially if they
have come to see you for the first time and are in strange surroundings.
4. It is best if conversation ceases during the treatment, although sometimes especially during the
first visit, the client will want to ask questions. Try to answer them before starting the treatment, or
afterward. Although the energy will not normally be interrupted during conversation, The client will
be less relaxed while conversing. Some people do prefer that you explain what you are doing as you
give the treatment .
The giving of a Reiki treatment can be in part a spiritual process and it is sometimes possible for a
sensitive practitioner to access information from a person during treatment with their own intuition
or psychic ability . Practitioners should use discretion about sharing this with the client as it may be
intended only for the practitioner. Respect the confidentiality of their client anything that might pass
between the client and practitioner during the treatment will not be divulged.
Reiki first Degree works on a physical level - you usually need to touch the recipient to connect
them with Reiki. What can be treated? Reiki can aid in the healing of just about every known illness
and injury. It can also help to break unwanted habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc. People
have also used Reiki to assist creativity and meditation to help wake up or to get to sleep.
1. Ideally the practitioner should be in the right frame of mind, relaxed and calm.. This is to
promote the flow of Reiki unfiltered by the practitioners own energy. I find that the correct mental
state will assert itself when needed.
2. The treatment should be conducted in a relaxing place where both the practitioner and
recipient feel comfortable. It is nice if there are no distractions like phones ringing, callers or
television or radio, but you can do Reiki any place at any time.
3. Playing soothing music such as classical music or new age music or environmental sounds such as
rain forests and other natural sounds can aid relaxation of the person being treated , especially if they
have come to see you for the first time and are in strange surroundings.
4. It is best if conversation ceases during the treatment, although sometimes especially during the
first visit, the client will want to ask questions. Try to answer them before starting the treatment, or
afterward. Although the energy will not normally be interrupted during conversation, The client will
be less relaxed while conversing. Some people do prefer that you explain what you are doing as you
give the treatment .
The giving of a Reiki treatment can be in part a spiritual process and it is sometimes possible for a
sensitive practitioner to access information from a person during treatment with their own intuition
or psychic ability . Practitioners should use discretion about sharing this with the client as it may be
intended only for the practitioner. Respect the confidentiality of their client anything that might pass
between the client and practitioner during the treatment will not be divulged.