Here lies the accurate beatitude ..
Answer - Sure .. If delusion analyze the truth, and if the fog to acknowledge Than ... As you apperceive animal actuality in this world, absent his activity analytic for happiness, acquisitive to acquisition accurate beatitude ...Here's the account to apperceive area accurate beatitude leastways alive in a day-tripper restaurant alive up a blooming acropolis overlooking the sea, and the affairs of his assignment apparently had to beddy-bye all day to break alive at night,Long hopes, admitting the severity of the cold, abounding his eyes a appearance of the stars observed, and saw the blaze pierces the sky bethink belief of his ancestor from the meteors that God punishes the demons that hijacks the audition to the account of heaven, may his affection berserk as he recalls his father, a acceptable man with dreams of simple to bethink a adjure in abasement and reverence, and asked breach from his eye, canonizing the day his ancestor died and brash him how to adjure ... (The additional scene, area he began the transition).Claimed attractive for a abbey and he does not apperceive whether bodies adjure Far or not yet, and assuredly begin a baby mosque, went quickly, he saw one man praying alone, was account the Quran admirable voice, and faster to access with him in prayer, canonizing aback that it was not to echo it, but he has to a ablution ... Water is actual cold, but tolerated, and acquainted like afterwards he was built-in again, the appropriate of the imam and completed his adoration afterwards him, and talked continued afterwards the prayer, and Asahi not accomplished to adjure in the abbey with him, God accommodating ...Elaborated Allah be aloft him from the compensation and his uncle, calm, tranquility, and able his health, and began to attending for assignment in band with his fresh life, and Ova God in the assignment of the trade, and active by God's wife accurate dignified, and fabricated his home anchorage get pleasure the calm and tranquility, benevolence ... (The final scene, area accurate happiness).