There is nothing that beats physical activity. If you have a healthy lifestyle and are active then it will reduce the stress in your life. The benefits of physical activity are many fold. You increase the volume of blood pumping around your body and to your vital organs, you increase your cardio vascular fitness (your ability to breath and your heart health), you reduce your blood pressure.
All these are essential in combating any anxiety and panic you may suffer. I personally started running. In fact it got to the point where when I started to feel an attack coming on, I would first do my dictionary thing and then when that lost its effect I would put on my running shoes and run.
This takes all the adrenaline out of your system and directs your mind and energy elsewhere. The other side effect of this is the endorphins that are created in your blood stream that make you feel good. Long distance runners have been known to get to highs as experienced by drug users running excessively and intensely. I don’t want you to go this extreme, but I hope you get my point.
Once again, worked for me, it may not for you. But then you will never know unless you try it.
Make sure you are in shape to do some activity, if you are not I suggest you get clearance from your doctor.