Move Your Mind Off The Problem
When you feel something welling up inside, immediately start to focus on something else, distract yourself. There are many different ways of doing this but the key is to engage your mind in another activity that requires full and total concentration.
Some examples are:
Watching something on television you are really interested in
Playing with a yoyo
Doing a crossword or puzzle
Playing some music
I personally used this one, you may think it’s weird but like I said earlier it worked for me and is MY EXPERIENCE.
I would grab a dictionary look for the biggest word I could find and then see how many other words I could make from it using the letters.
It totally engages the brain and mind in something different.
Admittedly it may not work if you are driving or flying and those are triggers for your anxiety or panic. Your display of finding this e‐book is evidence enough that you have the resourcefulness to find things and come up with answers.
I have faith in you.
I have faith in you.