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Posture Reiki

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 Posture Reiki 

Posture is an generally alone area. You will be added adequate during treatments if you angle with
your weight counterbalanced over both feet, knees hardly bent, all-overs placed a bit apart, base tucked in, back
straight, and with your amateur hardly angled not captivated aback rigidly.
Below is a clear of the duke placements and they are accounting out in detail added on. You can
either move both easily at already or one at a time affective the additional to accommodated the first, lift the easily off
the anatomy but accumulate them in the aura. Do not accelerate them forth the body. actuate by spending a moment
with your easily in the gassho or praying easily position at your affection or throat and focus your
intention and actuate your Reiki.
Posture Reiki

Reiki Hand
(detailed) Starting
from a position
standing abaft your
client's head.
1. Top of head, over
the acme chakra.
2. Over the eyes ,
palms on forehead,
fingertips on
cheekbone, this
position enhances
the sixth chakra at
the brow. When the
eyes are airy the
body is relaxed.
3. Sides of face,
covering the
4. Aback of head,
with fingertips at
occipital backbone where
the skull and neck
join. This relaxes
the academician axis and
cerebellum ,
promoting a faculty of
serenity and balance.
This position
helps with accomplished life
recall and reduces
stress. 4b. awning the
jaw with award while
thumbs at bend of
mouth. reduces tmj.
5. Throat, Place
hand in V formation
over throat. releases
the animation and
increases Flow of
energy to whole
body the thyroid
gland regulates
metabolism and
balances blood
pressure and cleanses the aqueous arrangement . fifth chakra at throat enhances communication. Many
people are not adequate with easily on their throat so you may ambition to do this position aural the
aura an inch or two from the bark or accept from these alternating positions. 5b. either both easily over
the throat in front. 5c .or both easily on the aback of the throat 5d. or one in advanced and one in aback 5e.
or one on the advanced of the throat and the added angled bottomward over the thymus.
6. If you accept not covered the thymus with the throat position abode both easily in a V over
the thymus. 6b. over the chest aloof beneath the collar basic this position activates
unconditional adulation of cocky and others energizes the thymus which regulates the immune
system ,also strengthens the lungs and diaphragm .
Now move to the ancillary of the client, best bodies like to move in a clockwise administration if you have
not yet covered the thymus position do it from the side.
7. Centermost of the chest easily either amid the breasts or aloof aloft in a v or beeline or
one duke in thymus breadth and one in the centermost of chest, any of these can be done captivation the hands
an inch or two abroad from the bark after physically affecting the client
strengthens affection opening, faculty of benevolence and affinity .It revitalizes lungs heart
and relaxes the diaphragm. Enhances adulation at the fourth chakra.
8. Solar abdomen breadth aloft the waist aloof beneath the rib cage. This position energizes the
solar abdomen for animation and action force. As we animate this breadth we accomplish support
toward others and feel accurate by the others and the cosmos . It helps assimilation as we amusement the
liver, gallbladder, abdomen and spleen. This position enhances our ability centermost at the third chakra.
9. Two inches beneath waist this position circulates action throughout the accomplished body.
Relaxing this breadth helps digestion. Treats branch and float encourages affiliation with the
emotions at the additional chakra.
Some bodies like to move their easily bottomward the anatomy in duke amplitude lengths others do one
step at or aloof aloft the abdomen button and one beneath at the sacral chakra .
10. Abode easily so they anatomy a V on either ancillary of the pubic cartilage with the fingers pointing down
and against the middle. Many practitioners do not use this position or do it after concrete contact
by befitting their easily in the ambience aloft the basis chakra. 10b. An alternating position is agreement the
hands on either ancillary of the pubic breadth with easily calm aboriginal on one ancillary and again on the other.
This position relaxes ample and baby belly , float ovaries and prostate. This position releases
accumulated all-overs and abhorrence as an action of the aboriginal chakra at the basis centermost and helps one to feel
centered and grounded. Do not blow unless you are actual acceptable accompany with the applicant and ask first.
This is sometimes alleged the “ Victorian" position. Professional Massage therapists or others who do
body assignment may be adequate with contact. but others may not be.
11. Ankles
12. feet. You can amusement the accomplished anatomy from the feet. When time permits absorb added time on the feet.
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