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The Aura, meridians and Energy body |
The Aura, meridians and Energy body
Many of the hand positions are taught by referring to the Chakra system. Usui Sensei was probably much more familiar with the meridian channels of the energy body which are used in traditional Japanese and Chinese Medicine .The Reiki hand positions cover the major meridian channels at junctions I'm told are significant to those familiar with them.
The hand positions also cover the Chakra which Many Western Reiki teachers find simpler to use in
teaching. The positions do treat the whole being including the non physical or energy body or aura as
it is more often called in the West. Whatever map of the energy body you use the Hand positions will
treat the entire person.
I will go into some detail about the aura and the chakra which are part of the aura because that is the
map I learned to work with.
Your actual physical body is only a small part of your true self .
What you see is not all you get. The human body is not just the blood and bones we perceive on the
physical plane. We are made of energy that permeates every layer of our being, it is us. What we
know as the physical body is just energy that is vibrating more slowly than the energy that is beyond
our standard perception. The aura or energy field is usually invisible to the physical vision but most
people can learn to perceive it in one way or another with practice. The aura is densest close to the
body and becomes finer moving away from it . Most human Auras extend from 1 to five feet out
around the body. though in more spiritually developed individuals it is said that they can extend
outward up to 50 feet from the body. and even further in some cases. The Aura and energy body has
layers and energetic structures and channels and organs within it. Trauma and emotional disturbance
can create blocks and other damage in your energy body, if this damage is not repaired and continues
to occur over a time then the outward manifestation of this is disease.
The aura is the field of energy that permeates the body and extends out from it from two to five feet
in most people some common names for the aura layers from the inner most dense to the outer finer
or higher vibration layer are 1. etheric 2. emotional 3. mental 4. causal 5. etheric template 6. intuitive
7. cosmic. these names are by no means complete or definitive and several of the individual layers
and the whole system is /are often called the astral body.
There are many more layers of the energy body or aura than the seven most often listed I have been
told there are actually 32 and also that there are 89 but I am not in a position to count them. These
aura layers are not segregated in the way the use of the word layer might seem to imply. Each layer
of the aura interpenetrates the others and begins at our center.
teaching. The positions do treat the whole being including the non physical or energy body or aura as
it is more often called in the West. Whatever map of the energy body you use the Hand positions will
treat the entire person.
I will go into some detail about the aura and the chakra which are part of the aura because that is the
map I learned to work with.
Your actual physical body is only a small part of your true self .
What you see is not all you get. The human body is not just the blood and bones we perceive on the
physical plane. We are made of energy that permeates every layer of our being, it is us. What we
know as the physical body is just energy that is vibrating more slowly than the energy that is beyond
our standard perception. The aura or energy field is usually invisible to the physical vision but most
people can learn to perceive it in one way or another with practice. The aura is densest close to the
body and becomes finer moving away from it . Most human Auras extend from 1 to five feet out
around the body. though in more spiritually developed individuals it is said that they can extend
outward up to 50 feet from the body. and even further in some cases. The Aura and energy body has
layers and energetic structures and channels and organs within it. Trauma and emotional disturbance
can create blocks and other damage in your energy body, if this damage is not repaired and continues
to occur over a time then the outward manifestation of this is disease.
The aura is the field of energy that permeates the body and extends out from it from two to five feet
in most people some common names for the aura layers from the inner most dense to the outer finer
or higher vibration layer are 1. etheric 2. emotional 3. mental 4. causal 5. etheric template 6. intuitive
7. cosmic. these names are by no means complete or definitive and several of the individual layers
and the whole system is /are often called the astral body.
There are many more layers of the energy body or aura than the seven most often listed I have been
told there are actually 32 and also that there are 89 but I am not in a position to count them. These
aura layers are not segregated in the way the use of the word layer might seem to imply. Each layer
of the aura interpenetrates the others and begins at our center.
The vibration of each level becomes
finer and higher as we go from the inside
out. The aura levels do not correspond
directly to the esoteric planes which is a
whole other incredibly complex and
obscure area of study. While it is true
that we are only part of a vast
interconnected energy universe we will
focus on the individual human aura now.
There has been considerable confusion
and variation about the names given
each of the seven most well known aura
levels. These descriptions are of
common ways the aura is perceived but
are by no means the only or definitive
description. When trying to see the
aura, please remember that this is subtle
energy and is not a light show. While
aura viewing is not a strong ability of
mine I discovered that I had been seeing
them fairly often but had been
dismissing them as optical effects or
heat waves and such, though I am better
able to feel the energy layers than to see
them. The aura changes constantly it
may have a predominant color in the
emotional and causal layers. The way
the aura is perceived can vary greatly
from person to person so remarks about
the layers are based on a general
consensus but are by no means absolute.
Size also varies greatly largely
depending on the energy level of the
person and the way they use that particular part of themselves. Stress, trauma and emotional pain can
show as distortions and blocks in the aura long before they manifest as illness in the physical plane.
Each layer is related to the chakra of the same number.
From the inside outward from the body or nearest the physical skin though all layers also penetrate
the body.
1. Etheric: lower astral, root chakra, a bluish or grayish layer that extends an inch or two out from
the body most associated with the physical body is the easiest to see . some people are able to see the
etheric outlines of the internal organs . Some people see a light blue on dark blue grid. Survival
issues, the physical body function and physical sensation of pain, pleasure, automatic functions etc.
2. Emotional: Sacral Chakra, the emotional aspects of our lives and being. soft multi colored clouds
of light visible from one to six inches out this is the layer most often described by aura readers it will
show dark spots or cloudy area and stagnant areas where emotional blocks and pain exist .
3. Mental: golden grid ,Solar Plexus Chakra, the mental body reflects the thought processes, linear
thinking. Personal power
These three bodies are the lower astral and together are said to make up the personality and are said
finer and higher as we go from the inside
out. The aura levels do not correspond
directly to the esoteric planes which is a
whole other incredibly complex and
obscure area of study. While it is true
that we are only part of a vast
interconnected energy universe we will
focus on the individual human aura now.
There has been considerable confusion
and variation about the names given
each of the seven most well known aura
levels. These descriptions are of
common ways the aura is perceived but
are by no means the only or definitive
description. When trying to see the
aura, please remember that this is subtle
energy and is not a light show. While
aura viewing is not a strong ability of
mine I discovered that I had been seeing
them fairly often but had been
dismissing them as optical effects or
heat waves and such, though I am better
able to feel the energy layers than to see
them. The aura changes constantly it
may have a predominant color in the
emotional and causal layers. The way
the aura is perceived can vary greatly
from person to person so remarks about
the layers are based on a general
consensus but are by no means absolute.
Size also varies greatly largely
depending on the energy level of the
person and the way they use that particular part of themselves. Stress, trauma and emotional pain can
show as distortions and blocks in the aura long before they manifest as illness in the physical plane.
Each layer is related to the chakra of the same number.
From the inside outward from the body or nearest the physical skin though all layers also penetrate
the body.
1. Etheric: lower astral, root chakra, a bluish or grayish layer that extends an inch or two out from
the body most associated with the physical body is the easiest to see . some people are able to see the
etheric outlines of the internal organs . Some people see a light blue on dark blue grid. Survival
issues, the physical body function and physical sensation of pain, pleasure, automatic functions etc.
2. Emotional: Sacral Chakra, the emotional aspects of our lives and being. soft multi colored clouds
of light visible from one to six inches out this is the layer most often described by aura readers it will
show dark spots or cloudy area and stagnant areas where emotional blocks and pain exist .
3. Mental: golden grid ,Solar Plexus Chakra, the mental body reflects the thought processes, linear
thinking. Personal power
These three bodies are the lower astral and together are said to make up the personality and are said
to begin to be created at conception and dissolve at death.
4. Causal: Higher Astral, buddic ,Heart chakra multi colored clouds ,associated with the heart and
love . this connects the lower three level with the higher three virtually all healing energy comes
through this layer it is the layer of love both specific and universal, and the first of the spiritual
5. Atmic: (Etheric template) bliss, throat chakra, the higher aspects of the will more connection with
the divine will, speech and communication, listening, taking responsibility for ones own actions seen
by some as a blue grid light ball around the body extending about two and a half feet out from the
body. it has been very rare for people to be really aware of
this layer but when balanced and active it can promote a bliss and a feeling of being moved by the
divine. It is becoming more open in people at this time. power of word, manifesting 6. Intuitive:
(monadic) ketheric template, Brow chakra, multicolored threads of light, spiritual communication
Divine Love nurturing awareness of oneself as an aspect of what is
called, By some, God, Love of all life and union with the all.
7. Cosmic: universal, ketheric ball of golden or white light threads, Crown chakra, Higher mind,
connection with the divine and spiritual information and the integration of the spiritual and physical
aspects of being.
4. Causal: Higher Astral, buddic ,Heart chakra multi colored clouds ,associated with the heart and
love . this connects the lower three level with the higher three virtually all healing energy comes
through this layer it is the layer of love both specific and universal, and the first of the spiritual
5. Atmic: (Etheric template) bliss, throat chakra, the higher aspects of the will more connection with
the divine will, speech and communication, listening, taking responsibility for ones own actions seen
by some as a blue grid light ball around the body extending about two and a half feet out from the
body. it has been very rare for people to be really aware of
this layer but when balanced and active it can promote a bliss and a feeling of being moved by the
divine. It is becoming more open in people at this time. power of word, manifesting 6. Intuitive:
(monadic) ketheric template, Brow chakra, multicolored threads of light, spiritual communication
Divine Love nurturing awareness of oneself as an aspect of what is
called, By some, God, Love of all life and union with the all.
7. Cosmic: universal, ketheric ball of golden or white light threads, Crown chakra, Higher mind,
connection with the divine and spiritual information and the integration of the spiritual and physical
aspects of being.
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Chakra |
The chakra (the Sanskrit word for wheel) are the energy centers or vortex in your aura that govern
and regulate the energy entering and flowing throughout the physical and
energy bodies. They are energy structures not physical organs . The Reiki hand positions cover the
main chakra centers and the main meridian channels that the life force flows through. Adding the
shoulder and hip positions to your treatment also covers the Hawaiian AO energy centers as well.
Running energy into the feet will facilitate energy flow through all the major channels. The chakra
are aligned along the central channel which runs along the the spinal cord. Energies move up and
down and also in a spiral in and out along this channel and side channels called Ida and Pingala. The Caduceus, an ancient symbol of the
Healing arts is said to represent this flow. There are many chakra major and minor we will focus on
seven major chakra . From the top down the Chakra numbers are traditional and
are numbered from the bottom up. 7. crown ,6. the brow ,5. the throat ,4. the heart ,3. the solar
plexus ,2. the sacral (Mid stomach)and at 1. root the base of the spine.
The functions and deeper purposes of the chakra system is a vast area of study. Chakras are
composed of high frequency energy strands that the spiritual eye perceives as light The life force is
channeled to the physical body and its organs via the nadis and meridians and enters the body
through the chakras. the degree of chakra activity depends on a combination of the physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual development of the individual. Chakras can be damaged or blocked
through an emotional upset such as conflict, loss or, accident . Fear, anxiety and stress are common
causes of chakra malfunction, it is the disruption of the chakra and aura that create disease and
disturb the energy balance of the chakras. Psychological problems may cause 'blockages', obstructing
the flow of energy into or out of the chakras. In general the front aspects of the chakras correlate to
our emotional function, the back to our will function, and the top three chakras to our reason
function. Balance in our reason, will and emotion centers is necessary to good health and well being.
the amount of energy flowing through our chakras determines how well we function.
and regulate the energy entering and flowing throughout the physical and
energy bodies. They are energy structures not physical organs . The Reiki hand positions cover the
main chakra centers and the main meridian channels that the life force flows through. Adding the
shoulder and hip positions to your treatment also covers the Hawaiian AO energy centers as well.
Running energy into the feet will facilitate energy flow through all the major channels. The chakra
are aligned along the central channel which runs along the the spinal cord. Energies move up and
down and also in a spiral in and out along this channel and side channels called Ida and Pingala. The Caduceus, an ancient symbol of the
Healing arts is said to represent this flow. There are many chakra major and minor we will focus on
seven major chakra . From the top down the Chakra numbers are traditional and
are numbered from the bottom up. 7. crown ,6. the brow ,5. the throat ,4. the heart ,3. the solar
plexus ,2. the sacral (Mid stomach)and at 1. root the base of the spine.
The functions and deeper purposes of the chakra system is a vast area of study. Chakras are
composed of high frequency energy strands that the spiritual eye perceives as light The life force is
channeled to the physical body and its organs via the nadis and meridians and enters the body
through the chakras. the degree of chakra activity depends on a combination of the physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual development of the individual. Chakras can be damaged or blocked
through an emotional upset such as conflict, loss or, accident . Fear, anxiety and stress are common
causes of chakra malfunction, it is the disruption of the chakra and aura that create disease and
disturb the energy balance of the chakras. Psychological problems may cause 'blockages', obstructing
the flow of energy into or out of the chakras. In general the front aspects of the chakras correlate to
our emotional function, the back to our will function, and the top three chakras to our reason
function. Balance in our reason, will and emotion centers is necessary to good health and well being.
the amount of energy flowing through our chakras determines how well we function.