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1. Mindset vs. Knowledge

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Mindset vs. Knowledge
1. Mindset vs. Knowledge
The first thing that we need to understand about turning dreams into reality is that we will need two distinct attributes.
We need to have both the right Knowledge and a positive Mindset. Many people forget about Mindset and consequently are more likely to fail in their attempts to achieve what they want, when they want.
As you can see the act of achieving anything is mostly having the right mindset. In fact it is about ¾ Mindset and ¼ Knowledge.
Having the right Knowledge is pretty straightforward, it is learning the skills and strategies required to carry out the tasks you will set for yourself. The Mindset however is something the many people struggle with.
To have a champion Mindset means that you are highly Motivated and have the Determination and Will Power required to make the sacrifices you will need to make.
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