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Food allergies can be a real block to losing weight, and often we don’t even know we’re
allergic to various foods. If you crave something, you can almost be assured that you are allergic to it, and your body is not absorbing it properly. You can treat allergies with EFT just like you treat emotions. The result is that you no longer crave the food, and thus you make an easy choice to not eat it anymore or you significantly reduce your portions—not through willpower though.
Preferably, have the food that you can’t seem to resist (chocolate, chips, M&Ms, etc.) in front of you. Smell it. Imagine eating it. Test yourself to see how much you want it (on scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest). Then we’ll do some tapping to relieve the cravings.
1st Round of Tapping: Even though I have this strong craving for ____ …
Even though I know I’ll feel deprived if I get over this problem…
Even though I really want to eat this food right now…
TAP: This terrible craving. This strong craving. I feel deprived. I need to eat this food right now. This terrible craving.
2nd Round: Even though I still feel deprived and hungry for something…
Even though I feel deeply deprived and insatiable, I can accept my feelings anyway.
Even though I still feel deeply deprived and want to fill it with food…
Even though I still feel hungry and empty and deprived…
TAP: This remaining deprivation. My deprivation makes me crave food. I still crave my food. I still feel this craving. Remaining cravings. Remaining deprivation. Remaining insatiability. I’ve always felt deprived. I’m scared of my deprivation. I feel deprived.
Enough was never enough and still isn’t. Enough IS never enough. Maybe I can allow myself to relax a bit. Maybe there is enough. Maybe I can fill myself by loving and accepting myself. I now choose to feel whole and strong no matter what. Food is just food. I now choose to feel safe without the food.
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