Yoga |
Yoga for Men in Their 40s and 50s
If you’re in your 40s or 50s, you may be interested in taking your yoga practice to a new level by becoming even more precise in your practice and learning ways in which you can adapt your yoga practice to your particular physical condition and needs. Iyengar Yoga offers a particularly precise approach to yoga, including ways in which you can use props to modify poses for your particular needs, as well as helping prescribe practice programs for varying physical limitations. For more information, see the resources included in web site.
As you advance on life’s journey, you may also feel that you are looking for a less vigorous, more relaxed, yet still energizing approach to yoga. The Himalayan Institute ( web site.), Integral Yoga ( web site.), and Sivananda Yoga ( web site.) may be right for you—you’ll find suggested resources for each of these approaches to yoga in their respective chapters. In your 40s and 50s, you may also be interested in incorporating the yogic principles of meditation and pranayama, or yogic breathing, more fully into your yoga practice. If so, see the suggested resources on these practices in web site..
If you’re entering your more mature years, you may find the following book customtailored to where you are in the stream of life:
Suza Francina, The New Yoga for People over 50: A Comprehensive Guide for Midlife and Older Beginners (Health Communications, 1997). This is an excellent introduction to yoga for mature men. Written by a yoga teacher trained in Iyengar Yoga, it presents a comprehensive overview of yoga for the older practitioner—whether one just starting out or a veteran yogi. It contains ample information on how to modify poses through the use of props, some as simple as chairs and walls, so that virtually anyone can achieve the benefits of yoga.